kinetic mandala telling the story of synergy and synchronicity
Do you know this feeling how everything is connected to everything?
We all have memories of being one with our environment. Sometimes occasionally we get a glimpse into the connected nature of reality and still it remains an abstract concept in our day to day life. Not having universal models to explain these realizations, a rational mind often has trouble to accept this as actual reality. To make reasonable sense of it, the mind is looking for a narrative, a story, a thought-model to integrate these experiences.
What kind of models can we create to make this truth accessible to our thinking minds?
How do we nourish our senses and align our stories and metaphors of this world with the insights of modern science and ancient wisdom?
Since intuition and intellect, wisdom and science, begin to complement not contradict each other, we are invited to think about multiple dimensions, black holes, parallel realities, quantum entanglement, wave particle dualism, fractals, singularity and even the nature of time itself. All this leading to the suggestion, that our imagination, our consciousness itself is creating reality in every given moment.
The kinetic installation samsara is a physical manifestation of immaterial dynamics like synergy and synchronicity. It provides a canvas for your mind to project ideas on to, while massaging your consciousness to relax into its full potential. Orchestrating universal geometries and mathematical relations, it addresses the deepest sense of life and beauty ~ encouraging you to trust your intuition and derive your own story.
Materials: various, mechanical components, one motor.
Dimensions: Ø 1301mm, depth: 108mm
Permanent exhibition: Create Meaning

fotocredits: © Studio RLON
With its dynamic complexity at first sight, the installation invites for a closer inspection. The viewers curiosity will be rewarded. Since the mechanism completely reveals its components, it is possible to decipher exactly how each element is part of a synergetic system and contributes to the creation of the dynamic mandala.

Let´s have a first conversation and talk about your project.